Half term has now started and the cries of “I’m bored” are already echoing around the house. The kids have plenty of toys and games but there is never anything to play with (despite never looking). Add on the Coronavirus situation where lots of things are still closed or numbers are severely limited, entertaining the kids at home can be a bit of a struggle (especially as we don’t like to give them too much screen time).
So with play centres, parks and other entertainment venues a very limited prospect this half term and for the foreseeable future due to closers and social distancing rules we have been looking at ways to entertain the kids at home.
With the weather being awful here in West Yorkshire at the moment the kids haven’t been able to play out in the garden so are having to play in the house. But kids being kids always want what they can’t have – if they are outdoors, they want to be in, if they are indoors, they want to out. Wicked have some great indoor toys that are traditionally were played with outdoors and kindly sent us a few to try out. We received the Duncan Pulse Light Up Yo-Yo, the Indoor Booma Boomerang and the Sky Spinner Ultra LED Trick Disc.
With some Wicked new toys to try out the kids were excited to play, and the “I’m bored” cries were forgotten as quickly as they had uttered them. They decided to start with the yo-yo.

The Duncan Pulse Yo-Yo (RRP: £10) is a trick yo-yo for age 6 years plus, suitable for beginners or yo-yo users with intermediate skills. This yo-yo, whilst pretty much looking the same as what we remember from our own childhoods is vastly improved. For starters, it has had motion-sensing LEDs lights added to its polycarbonate body to create a dazzling light show when it is use (and the lights change colour with the varying speeds of the yo-yo). It has been improved further with a ball-bearing axle for longer spin time and friction stickers for better response and quicker returns. With lights, batteries, ball-bearings and friction stickers it should be quite heavy but it isn’t, it only weighs approx. 90g and is very easy and smooth to use (at least so the kids tell me as I am useless when it comes to using a yo-yo).
It does require batteries for the lights to function, but it comes with two installed and two spares. They are small button batteries that are only accessible with the aid of a screwdriver, so there is no chance of the children accidentally getting their hands on them.
The kids have absolutely loved using this yo-yo. They already knew basic tricks like “walking the dog” and have loved trying to learn new ones. The yo-yo is smooth to use and it returns very well, they haven’t had in caught up on the string yet.

Next, they tried the Wicked Indoor Booma Boomerang (RRP: £7). At first, we were very sceptical about this as we don’t believe kids should be encouraged to throw things around the house. The boomerang is made from a lightweight foam specially engineered to be soft and safe called ‘Memorang’ and after trying it out ourselves we are happy for the kids to use it within their playroom and bedroom without the fear of things getting broken.
The instructions are very clear and straightforward, showing you exactly how to throw it in a nearly vertical position. It has a flight range of 4-6 meters, but to be honest you won’t get that indoors unless you have enormous rooms to use it in.
After a few practice throws the kids have got the hang of it and have enjoyed playing it (and nothing has got broken), but the playtime is limited indoors – it can be played with outdoors in the garden when conditions allow; you need a very still, windless day.
It has kept them entertained for 10 minutes each time they pick it up and they do keep going back it.
Finally, they tried the Sky Spinner Ultra LED Trick Disc which has proved to be their favourite. This is a hand-propelled spinning trick disc that is safe for indoor use and also a Frisbee for outdoor use.

The Wicked Sky Spinner Ultra LED Trick Disc (RRP: £15) is a plastic Frisbee-style disc that you spin on your finger to do tricks and stunts with. It features a Spin Hub and a super-high-speed ball-bearing, enabling speeds of up to 500 rpm, topped with multicoloured changing LED lights.
With this disc you spin in on your finger, or other pointed object, and do tricks; bouncing up and down on your finger whilst it spins etc. Whilst it is spinning the LED lights come to life and puts on a dazzling light show.
This has so far provided hours of fun for both kids, and without using it outdoors as a Frisbee. They are both trying to master new tricks and outdo each other. Definitely a great toy to keep them entertained at home this half term and beyond.
For help learning how to use these items and get tips on new tricks we visited the Wicked Youtube channel that show tutorials and tips for their products, it is worth a look to get the most out of the items.
The kids have loved using all these products. They keep them off their screens, playing together, being more sociable and keeping them active.
For more information or to buy these products, visit www.wickedvision.co.uk.