Playing board games with questions such as “name 3 things that go with chips” should be easy, right? After all, EVERYTHING can go with chips. I bet you have already named 3 things or more whilst reading this. But can you do it within 5 seconds? Yes, easy peasy I hear you scream. It probably is easy, but can you do it within 5 seconds with a timer counting down and your friends, family and fellow players sitting around the table staring at you just willing you to fail? It all becomes that so much harder with that added pressure to name 3 very simple things. This is the idea behind the board game 5 Second Rule.
We love playing board games in our house and regularly have family game nights. We have enjoyed playing 5 Second Rule Jr. with the kids as well as the adult version 5 Second Rule Uncensored (just the adults of course). Both of these games were from Interplay, now PlayMonster and we were delighted when they sent us 5 Second Rule Electronic to try out. It is still the fast, fun-filled game where you have to think fast but now with the addition of an electronic timer (the zoop timer in the junior version is starting to get annoying).
In the box there is:
- 326 Question Cards (652 Questions)
- Electronic Timer
- Playing Board
- 6 Playing Pawns
- 6 Pass on Cards
- 6 Switch Cards
- Rules

5 Second Rule Electronic is a family board game, suitable for 3-6 players aged 10 years old and above, and is a game where a quick mind and fast hand is essential, you only have five seconds to give three answers to a question and then hit the electronic timer button before it goes off.
Set up of the game is very simple. The playing board is placed in the centre of the table with the electronic timer on the centre of the board (you will need 3xAAA batteries for this, there are none supplied), all the cards go into the card box with the same colour facing the front/draw end (Note: the card box does not hold all the cards and there are more that can be used when required). Place the card box in a position on the table where everyone can reach it. Each player then chooses their colour of playing pawn and places it at the START position on the playing board. Each player is then dealt 1 PASS ON card and 1 SWITCH card. That’s it, the game is now ready to play.
As with a majority of board games the youngest goes first (this really annoys her older sister), this player is in the HOT SEAT and play will go left around the table. The player to the right of the person in the hot seat draws a card from the box and reads it aloud. All cards begin with “Name 3…” followed by random categories. For example, the card may read “Name 3 Cheeses”. Once the question has been read out, the reader of the question presses the button on the timer to start the countdown, the player in the hot seat then has five seconds to name three cheeses and could go for Cheddar, Stilton and Cheese Slices. Once they have answered the question they press the timer and will get a ‘ding’ sound, if they don’t press it within the five seconds the timer will make a ‘buzz’ sound. If the player in the hot seat answered the question correctly and hit the timer in time they can move one space on the board, if not the same question moves on to the next player, but they cannot use any of the answers already given. Play continues until a player can move their piece around the board to the finish.
The game also uses PASS ON and SWITCH cards to aid progress. You need to shout PASS ON or SWITCH (as long as you have the card to match) before your turn. PASS ON allows you to pass your question on to the player to your left and if they get it wrong you move forward one space (be aware: if they do get it right, they move forward a space). If you play your SWITCH card you can swap your question for another. And watch out for the danger zones, they can see you miss a turn!
Overall, 5 Second Rule Electronic is all very easy and simple to play but coming up with the answers is a bit more of a challenge (board games and trivia games have a very bad habit of wiping all relevant information from your brain, leaving you floundering).
The game has slightly more advanced questions than the junior version, which as the kids are now older is much better for us but just as enjoyable. Some of the answers that come up are just hilarious, and not always acceptable.
We found the electronic timer is a brilliant addition. It makes the game that bit easier to use and it certainly won’t get as annoying as the old zoop timer (the zoop timer was great until the novelty wore off).
We, as a family, have really enjoyed playing the game. All ages can play together as young minds are quick whilst older people try to be more considered but with 5 seconds to come up with 3 answers there isn’t much time so speed is definitely the key.
A fast, fun family game that is perfect for family game nights or even family fun over the festive season and with over 650 questions there is always something different.
Rating: 5/5
RRP: £21.99
For more information or to buy, visit Also available from Amazon here.