Ahoy there, me heartie pirate mateys! Are ye ready to set sail on a voyage of deceit and trickery with a bit of Skullduggery? Batten down the hatches and let me tell ye about the treasure of fun packed inside this little box of plundered booty from Cheatwell Games and Outset Media.
Skullduggery is a little treasure of an adventurous card game that is packed with cunning treachery, can you swindle yer way to a pirate’s fortune or be double-crossed by your shipmates? A game for 2-6 scallywags or old sea dogs, age 8+, with a playing time of approximately 15 minutes.
In the box:
- 55 Cards (includes Quick Reference card)
- 12 Skullduggery Tokens (6 Left – Red / 6 Right – Blue)
- Instructions

Skullduggery is a game of strategy, a tactical card game that requires a good memory and a penchant for piracy. Ye’ll be swapping cards faster than a slippery eel, trying to assemble the highest number possible to outwit yer fellow buccaneers.
Firstly, we have to talk about box the game comes in – it is quite small at approximately 135mmx135mm. But fear not, for within this compact treasure chest lies a game so rich in fun, it’ll have ye and yer crew hoisting the mainsail for more. It’s perfect for stowing away on those long voyages to Grandma’s house or when marooned on a deserted island (also known as the family holiday).
Now onto the game itself. It’s a game of strategy where players need to get the highest four-digit number over their four cards to plunder the loot in a game of piratical pilfering. Each card features a number from 1 to 9. But it is not as easy as it sounds – ye don’t get to see all your cards, cards can be plundered, discarded and even swapped!
Setting up the game to play is easy. Remove the quick reference card from the deck of cards and place it within easy reach of all players so that they can see it and refer to it. Swab the deck, I mean shuffle the deck, and deal four cards to each player face down. Place the remaining deck face down on the table as a draw pile. Players arrange their cards into a line of 4 cards (without looking at them). Each player is also given a left (red) and right (blue) Skullduggery token which they should put in front of them with the pistol side showing. With that done, players can now secretly look at their two middle cards in their line.
To play, forget about the youngest player going first, the player that can do the best pirate impression goes first – ye could use phrases such as:
- Ahoy, me matey!
- Shiver me timbers
- Aye, aye, captain
- Avast, ye scurvy dog
- Walk the plank, ye scallywag
Or ye could come up with your own. Have ye been practicing those pirate phrases while ye have been reading? I bet you have.
Now with everyone in the pirating mood, it’s time to play.
The pirate who starts the game selects the top card from the draw pile and the plundering and pillaging gets underway. Players can now start to discard cards, swap cards, pass cards and peek at cards in a game of strategy to try and get the highest number in the first position on their card line. This is all achieved using the actions shown on the cards and using yer Skullduggery tokens. Spyglass cards make players turn their middle cards face up.

The game ends when three Spyglass cards have been discarded or the draw pile is depleted of cards. When this happens all players reveal their cards, turning them face up for everybody to see. This gives each player a four-digit number and the player with the highest number wins.
Overall, Skullduggery is a game of cunning strategy and memory, perfect for those who love a good ‘ol fashioned pirate adventure. So, gather yer crew, set the course, and let the games begin. And remember, in Skullduggery, it’s not about the cards ye’re dealt, but how well ye can bluff with a parrot on yer shoulder.
It takes a bit of time to get used to the rules and card actions but the quick reference cards makes it much easier and can be referred to by any player at any time.
So, will ye be the one to claim the title of the most cunning pirate on the seven seas, or will ye walk the plank into the abyss of defeat? Only one way to find out, me hearties! Play Skullduggery and let the high seas hijinks commence!
Skullduggery is a fun game and quick to play and players seem to slip into pirate mode easily and its surprising how many keep talking in pirate voices while playing.
Rating: 4/5
RRP: £10
For more information, visit cheatwell.com. Available to buy from Amazon here.